ISIS claims constructing dirty bomb after stealing 40kg of uranium
On Monday, several media sources quoted from ISIS-allied websites claiming that the so-called Islamic State has constructed a dirty bomb after stealing 40kg of uranium from al-Mosul University.
Only four months after the 40kg of uranium and other chemical materials were reported missing from the University of al-Mosul, ISIS militants appeared to make threats and hold online discussions on social media regarding the destruction that such a bomb would wreak in London.
Muslim-al-Britani, an ISIS-allied account on Twitter posted today before it was suspended: “By the way the Islamic State does have a Dirty bomb. We found some radioactive material in al-Mosul University.”
Noteworthy, ISIS has seized a military base in northern Iraq last June, which contains Saddam Hussein’s stockpile of chemical weapons, including hundreds of warheads containing sarin and mustard gas.