The US Army’s Response To Confederate Base Names Is Perfect
The U.S. Army confirmed Wednesday it won’t be changing the titles of bases named after Confederate generals.
For the military, the generals aren’t being honored because of their ideology, but because of their individual characters, Stars and Stripes reports.
Following the shooting at a black church which left nine dead in Charleston, S.C., many have called for symbols representing the Confederate States of America to be removed from government property. That call has included pressure on the Pentagon to strip military bases across the country named after prominent Confederate military figures, namely Fort Benning, Fort Bragg and Fort Hood.
Fort Bragg, for example, takes after Gen. Braxton Bragg, who started out as an officer in the United States Army and then moved to general of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Benning is named after Henry Benning, who sat on the Georgian Supreme Court and served as a Confederate army officer.
The Pentagon immediately deflected the incoming criticisms, saying individual services in the military have jurisdiction over the titling of bases.
Some retailers, like Amazon, Sears and Walmart, have bowed to pressure and pledged to remove the Confederate flag from their stores. In the public arena, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley stated that she stands behind the move to take down the flag at the state capitol.
The U.S. Army, on the other hand, refuses to budge and says that base names will remain the same.
“Every Army installation is named for a soldier who holds a place in our military history,” Brig. Gen. Malcolm B. Frost said in a statement, according to The Hill. “Accordingly, these historic names represent individuals, not causes or ideologies. It should be noted that the naming occurred in the spirit of reconciliation, not division.”
PatriiotParatrooper June 29th, 2015 at 18:08
I’m sick of hearing how the confederate flag is so offensive. First off, the civil war didn’t start over slavery, it was the taxation of the south. Second, there were plenty of northerners that owned slaves too. President Lincoln, in one of speeches, refereed to black people as inferior, And there has been much more oppression under the stars and stripes than the stars and bars. It was the democrats that tried to keep slavery going, it was the democrats that pushed the jim crow laws, segregation, they tested irradiated milk on retarded children to see the effects, and introduced VD into the black population to see how fast it would spread. Every war that has been lost has been a democrat run war, Now, they want to keep the racial divide going in this country. Yes, there were slaves, but there were just as many irish slaves as there were african. The difference is the irish weren’t sold off by thier own clans like the africans were sold off by their own tribes.
SFC Berry June 30th, 2015 at 00:33
These Confederate Generals might be great Military Men but thet are all Traitors. I don’t think that a US Military Base should be named after a Traitor.
Child of Blue June 30th, 2015 at 01:10
Every time I hear someone call our Southern Soldiers traitors, I like to remind you of your own heritage. The difference is, those that threw off the tyranny of King George had sworn their allegiance to HIM. The soldiers of the south had made no such vow but lived with the principal of our declaration of Independence, that every man has the right to his own destiny and when a government acts in tyranny he has the right to overthrow that government and make his own. These are principals you cannot understand when you are forcing your ideals down someone else’s throat. At the time of the Civil War, States were a sovereign entity that joined a greater whole to make one strong nation. Therefore being strong enough to repel the Brits. A thing the northern colonies could not have done without the southern. in fact, That was made very clear during the Revolution by the militias in the mountains of Tennessee and others. The same revolution, that against their better well being, they were empathetic to the problems of their northern brothers and shared in their struggle. Even though that made them all traitors. So, my friends. You get to eat what you serve.
Name (required) June 30th, 2015 at 01:27
Fort General Sinclair?
HOOOTIE June 30th, 2015 at 02:13
SPC Berry…how do you live with all of that blatant ignorance. Ignorance should be painful. Tell all us how these brave Confederate Officers were traitors ? I’d really like to hear about it. If you knew diddly squat about the Constitution you would know that they followed the Constitution by the letter. We seceded from the union, validated in the Constitution. We formed a new government, again, validated in the Constitution. These great and brave men fought for a cause. That cause was states rights. And don’t you dare propose to me that it was slavery they went to war over. Again, get the facts before you open your mouth and more stupid falls out. Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War…NOTHING. This nation was conceived over a three cents tax on tea. Were they traitors ? The Civil War was started over States Rights. You dare to call that traitors ? This country is now controlled by greed, homos, muslimes and a lot of renegade blacks.There isn’t a male in government now that’s worthy of calling himself a man. Most of them have the same mindset you do SFC Berry. Rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength. Calling Southerners traitors is a major weakness and worthy of an apology !!!!
Jimmy June 30th, 2015 at 02:15
I am proud of our military forces. Both past and present. It’s part of the history of the United states. Both good and bad. Hiding it doesn’t make it change.
Kevin Lewis June 30th, 2015 at 03:32
Love it way to go army , this us such crap anyways the Confederate flag is part of history & the 13 stars rep.the first 13 colonies that started this country. Next they will be after old Glory her self if we don’t make a stand people this Tyrannical government Will have us all fighting each other !
United We Stand divided we fall
Tony Cojones June 30th, 2015 at 04:28
Me la pelan todos ustedes putitos ignorantes. Traduzcan mi mensaje y metanselo por el culo para que al menos dejen de tirar mierda por ahí. Now, for all of you English speakers, this country belongs to everybody that wants freedom and has enough balls and the brains to work or fight for such freedom. The division among people created by the government or the affluent is just so that we the people continue fueling their hunger for power. All of us are here because either our forefathers and mothers or ourselves, such is my case, were fed up with the bull crap happening at their place of origin. With that being said, go back to your studies or your work, and stop showing your ignorance to the whole world.
rebecca June 30th, 2015 at 05:17
ok so Fort Hood, Fort Polk, For Beauregard and Fort Rucker are ALL military bases my father has been assigned too, and need I say that all these bases are extremely nice. I do not see were the confederate flag symbolizes racism, ITS A PART OF THE UNITED STATES HISTORY. Without the civil war we would probably still be under Britains control, WWI and WWII would have never happened, along with the Vietnam Wat, Korean War, Operation Dessert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and all the current missions going on and all the others that have happened. So at SFC Berry, think again before you go blabbing your ignorance and disrespecting those who keep your ass safe.
gore June 30th, 2015 at 06:54
The confederate flag should be offensive to every American. Not because it represents racism so much as it does ANTI Americanism. It shouldn’t be flow next to the Stars and Stripes or on any State grounds because it is a DEFUNCT flag of a failed country. Yes, The CSA was its own country through rebellion and no longer wanted to be part of this great nation of ours. The CSA were in opposition to everything the USA was about. I don’t sed how anyone could claim to be patriotic when it comes to our country and fly this defunct flag that was and is in direct opposition to everything American.
Jonathan Trantham June 30th, 2015 at 07:02
DJ June 30th, 2015 at 08:54
I’m proud and honored to have served in the US Army. They are unwaivering under social pressures as well as we are in battle. Damn Proud.
Yolo June 30th, 2015 at 11:15
Lol white power! Every time I hear that I think of Dave Chappelle. Sry, guy no one takes ppl like you serious anymore.
Yolo June 30th, 2015 at 11:34
Lol take down my comment nice!
82nd Vet June 30th, 2015 at 12:31
Fort Bragg and Benning hold a special place in the hearts of Vets and active soldiers like me. I applause the Army for saying no. This stupidity has to stop somewhere and here looks like a good place to stop.
BDP June 30th, 2015 at 12:31
SFC Berry, so because these officers held to their beliefs and refused to obey a government which they felt was corrupt (which is their absolute right) they are traitors? I can’t believe a senior NCO would be so misguided and thin skinned.
donald purgason June 30th, 2015 at 12:56
I say let the confederate flag fly alongside the American flag
GDawg June 30th, 2015 at 13:32
I’ve always loved the Army….Semper Fi Doggys!…
GDawg June 30th, 2015 at 13:38
@SFC Berry: I find it confusing that as a current or former SNCO in the United States Army you are quit unaware IRT the history of these great leaders regardless what uniform they served…
Price Nelson June 30th, 2015 at 14:19
Those who chose to betray the USA by joining the CSA are by any definition traitors to America. They may have been true to their own state or their own conscience, but they are traitors who took up arms against America. I guess the rebel supporters would feel differently if they were stationed on Fort Benedict Arnold or Fort John Wilkes Booth. Hell, let’s go modern … Fort Bowe Bergdahl or Fort Chelsea Manning. Treason is treason — it doesn’t matter one’s supposed grievances.
Raymond Horn June 30th, 2015 at 14:40
Thank God for some level heads in this country. We need more of these before our Great Nation falls completely apart. We can not allow a few to outnumber the many. majority should still rule.
Michael D'Ambrosio June 30th, 2015 at 14:58
So i guess it is ok to commit asks of racism against Italian/Americans .the sopranos, the godfather, gumba uneducated Saturday night fever people .the consent your Italian is your family in the mafia.thats o.k.
canadianBacon June 30th, 2015 at 15:04
I don’t understand how the point can be so blatantly missed: no one is denying that this was history. But it is just that: history. To continue perpetuating and celebrating people who stood up to deny the rights of people who now live and work on those bases is blatant hypocrisy. Look, I keep hearing analogies with Nazi Germany, Volkswagon using slave labour etc. with the conclusions being (consistently): “that happened too people: get over it!”
While it may have “happened,” we don’t see those countries/companies celebrating these tragedies by naming cities or streets after them, or using a swastika their logo. If anything the behaviour has been the polar opposite: to disassociate themselves from these views and beliefs.
This isn’t about people making change for the sake of making change: it’s about antiquated views still inexplicably socially accepted and how they can affect the psyche of those around us.
RetArmy June 30th, 2015 at 15:10
What I think is so funny is that the flag you are all arguing about is not the CSA flag. The Stars and Bars as some like to call it was the Battle Flag. Do your research. The Battle Flag design is only one small part of the actual CSA Flag.
Youcantfixstupid June 30th, 2015 at 16:08
For those people who call those mean of HISTORY “Past” Traitors. Just so you know they fought for what they believed in. So it really doesnt matter what you say if they are traitors or not. It is history it should be remembered so that we dont make mistakes again. The south fought., which im from, and the south lost. Names of bases have nothing to do with it anymore.
Rhiannon June 30th, 2015 at 16:16
Our founding Father’s were traitors to the crown. If the south hadn’t lost this wouldn’t be an argument. Despite being on the wrong side of the battle, the men these bases are named for had an impact on what our country is now. They deserve to be remembered.
Genna Gibbs June 30th, 2015 at 16:47
Holy SHIT!!! When is going to stop?
Dr. Mark June 30th, 2015 at 16:59
PatriiotParatrooper: “…the civil war didn’t start over slavery, it was the taxation of the south.”
Seriously? Try reading the transcripts or documents produced by the state conventions of secession. Every one of them cites protecting slavery as *the* key factor in choosing secession. Or read Confederate V.P. Alexander Stephens’ “Cornerstone Speech.” Here’s a taste:
“…The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. …”
As to your ridiculous notion that it was founded upon taxation, I would inquire, “what taxation?” Who exactly passed taxes that were disagreeable to the South? Prior to to the election of 1860, Southern-leaning Democrats controlled the Senate for every term since 1845….and the Presidency for the prior two terms (eight years), How were they enacted, when such taxes would have required both Senate and Presidential approval?
Russ Champiny June 30th, 2015 at 17:06
This is good news as I was born at Camp (now Fort) Rucker in 194:3 and would hate to see my birth certificate changed to Camp politically correct
Ed Horn June 30th, 2015 at 17:12
Our military is rich in History of men and women who died for our freedom for you to speak your mind! Now the silent majority needs to say enough is enough to political correctness !
Mark June 30th, 2015 at 17:33
Hey Gore, again, how was the Confederacy against everything American? They formed their own nation thru rebellion…so did the USA. And for anyone thinking the war was about slavery, read Lincoln’s first inaugural address and see what HE says about slavery.
Semper Paratus June 30th, 2015 at 18:01
Child of Blue….. So as I’m understanding things, the USA should be renamed the United States of England then? Because it was traitors who rebelled against the Crown to form what is now the USA.
Whoareyoupeople June 30th, 2015 at 18:31
So with the reasoning some of you people have with the rebell flag. I guess in Germany they should bring back the nazis and their badges and flags and make memorials of hitler and his generals. for their great acts of military accomplishment.
J.M Kayes June 30th, 2015 at 19:19
Robert Himes June 30th, 2015 at 19:51
All enemies foreign and domestic. Our founding fathers were also called traitors by lesser men for their Declaration of Independence
The Blue sky June 30th, 2015 at 20:11
After the American Civil War the south was in a mess some counties in Virginia did not regain there pre war population levels till 1960’s. In the late 1800s and early 1900s the Military needed to bring more southern southern youth into the service so intern they placed the majority of military bases in southern states with CSA Generals named in there honor. It was a way to bring the north and south back together. Honestly I believe renaming the bases will cause more heartache for our nation than reconciliation I thank jumping to conclusions is a dangerous way of working through problems.
Dan June 30th, 2015 at 20:11
If these Generals are traitors the what was Washington and the rest when they got Independence from England.
In the English eyes these men are traitors. In our eyes patriots.
Depends on what side of the fence your on.
Robert June 30th, 2015 at 21:54
Don’t Obama get his way. USA belongs to the usa citizens not him
Sherrie June 30th, 2015 at 22:00
For the love all, people need to get lives, stop trying to get monuments places destroyed, because you don’t like what they were named for. Go find a hobby and stop trying to destroy history. I am sick of this, enough already. All these people that are causing all this, are out for a race war. Enough already. If everything need to change so does the American flag, because slaves where brought over with the flags on ships, the Indians were forced from their lands and homes. I’m sick of this, enough already!!!!
Sondra June 30th, 2015 at 22:24
Thanks for doing the right thing and knowing the history and staying strong and keeping our USA heritage alive and true.
Pera June 30th, 2015 at 22:24
The people (small amount) wanting to change the names didn’t even know the History about the names until told a week or so ago. The names must stay the same.
janine June 30th, 2015 at 22:33
As individuals, they represent traitors. They were NOT in the “U.S.” military, but an opposing army. Where’s the Benedict Arnold base?
howie June 30th, 2015 at 22:38
You cannot be serious. The Vice-President of the Confederacy said right out, they disagreed with all men being created equal and “our government is based on the negro not being equal to the white man.” Shame on the military for honoring traitors or trying to claim the war was not over slavery. No wonder blacks had to serve in segregated units as they fought for their country in WWII. Racism and sexism and military assalts on women. No wonder.
swain walker June 30th, 2015 at 22:49
Then maybe nikki haley needs a different job.
Dolores Machart June 30th, 2015 at 23:01
It is ridiculous than even one government employee, let alone the President, spent even one minute thinking about the Confederate flag and where it may or may not fly. With all the problems we have in this country how in the world can anyone justify wasting one second of time on this matter. Let each town decide for itself whether they want the Confederate flag to fly in their town. I personally would be proud to have it fly at my home as it represents a most significant time in our history and it honors all those, both black and white, who fought for what they believed in. Congratulations to the US Army for not caving in to protesters who aren’t worthy enough to wipe the dust off the shoes of any Confederate soldier.
No one June 30th, 2015 at 23:15
The fact is its history. If you don’t learn from it it’ll repeat itself. This country was founded by traitors to the crown. This country was founded on colonial rights. Then state rights after it was founded. The central government slowly gained more power. The civil war was fought over states rights but those who it wasn’t bout slavery is wrong. Yes a certain tax pushed most over the edge but it was all about the states rights to govern themselves. The constitution says we the people have the right to put down any government that over steps our freedoms and liberties. These civil war traitors as they have been called stood for what they believed in and the constitution. They did the same thing as the founding fathers. No man today can say they have the scruples these men or men before them had. Robert E. Lee didn’t own slaves he turned down general of the Union because he stood by his state of Virginia when it succeeded. Everyone has an opinion that’s fine but people need to educate themselves more before their ignorance is truly shown
Hal July 1st, 2015 at 00:06
You can say they are named after troops and not ideologies, but the ideology isn’t the point, except in the political flavor of the week sense. The troops in question – officers, really – were making their reputations as men of war in open, active, bloody rebellion against the United States Army. I don’t think anyone here would be happy about Fort Bergdahl or Fort Bradley Manning, and their treason – and I do believe it to have been treason – was much less direct.
Maj Dave Kelly US Army July 1st, 2015 at 00:12
For the record the War Department started naming Posts after Confederate Generals in the mobilization of the Spanish American War. Needing cooperation from Southern states in prepping the invasion of Cuba. In the 30 years since the end of the Civil War national level cooperation by southern states had been less than enthusiastic. Recognition of popular Southern figures, not to mention the naming of Senator and ex-CSA Cavalry Chief Joe Wheeler to command the cavalry brigade supporting the Cuba operation was successful stock to soothing regional pride. A lot of these names have been in use for 120 years now and as service institution in many wars they have their own character and military honors. Leave it alone.
David July 1st, 2015 at 00:24
These Confederate Generals might be great Military Men but they are all Traitors. I don’t think that a US Military Base should be named after a Traitor.
Phillip Nall July 1st, 2015 at 00:45
Air Defense
Tim Pishdad July 1st, 2015 at 00:52
This was my comment on 28 Jun: Lest we Forget: The North and South atoned for the Civil War and came back together as brothers even after the hate and bloody war..and made peace, etc. Now 150 yrs later we want to stir up hate that has already been reconciled by the very ones who were the victims of the hate….No…the past belongs where it is…and we have no right to that hate…it has been settled. If flags, statues, etc were to be prohibited, it would have happened in their generation, by the one’s violated. It was; and we have the flag and statues…So it’s DONE! Leave History alone. This is not our fight. Glad to see the Army is demonstrating Leadership!!
David Moote July 1st, 2015 at 01:09
@ Jonathan Trantham. You are precisely the type of profile that needs weeded out and handcuffed before you do something descipLe like thiose before you with radical thinking. I’d swing you on a knoose with the CF flying right next to your bitch-ass confederate body.
David M. Rucker July 1st, 2015 at 01:12
All I have to say is…Hooah! Go Army…All The Way!!!
Brian July 1st, 2015 at 01:19
Removing their names would not be sweeping history under the rug or pretending it didn’t happen. it would be failing to honor traitors to their country. Remember, these people rebelled against the United States Government. They are not heroes, no matter how bravely they may have fought or died. United States military bases should never have been named after traitors.
John Boynton July 1st, 2015 at 01:19
Again the U.S. Army shows that they provide the steady, reasoned response to the knee jerk response to the current issues. Such a critical institution for this Country!!
Independent free thinker July 1st, 2015 at 01:26
“These Confederate Generals might be great Military Men but thet are all Traitors. I don’t think that a US Military Base should be named after a Traitor.”
History is written from the point of view of the victor. If the Confederacy had won, they would be considered heroes of whatever country the Confederacy would have become.
During that time, the State had rights to keep the Federal Government in check that they do not today. The Confederacy was succeeding from the Union (a right written into each states Constitution at the time) not being hostile against it. If anything the “North” was the aggressor and violator of sovereign states rights, not the other way around.
Recent history has shown us a couple of examples of this happening. Former USSR and Yugoslavia. What would be the reaction if Russia attacked…say…Ukraine…oh wait…they did, and look at the position the U.S. takes. The U.S bombed Serbia for invading Bosnia and Croatia.
I for one think that the anti-slavery position was more of an excuse, not “THE” position for a declaration of war on the Confederacy (considering that slavery was in effect with the Declaration of Independence was written, and “Northern” states did in fact practice in slavery. With that said, I think the vast majority of people on earth would agree that slavery and genocide are immoral and worth fighting against, and the war was just. Just not what it seemed. But traitor? no…simply the loser.
Michael Hunter July 1st, 2015 at 02:05
I served at some of these bases over my 20 year career so am glad to hear the names will be staying as they are. There’s way too much political correctness going on right now. People need to live in the now and not in the past. Many times they blow things out of proportion and relate things to something that happened in the past just so they can tear something down that they disagree with. They even warp things to fit their complaints. You hear something new every day. I’m honestly tired of it. Im waiting for the call to go out to change the names of our military helicopters and other equipment now because it too is considered offensive to someone. All I have to say is grow up. There are more important things out there that should be addressed than names.
Chris July 1st, 2015 at 02:32
Reconciliation, with traitors? Why?
Archie J Hardy July 1st, 2015 at 03:11
I will fly my flags on sunny days.
Christina July 1st, 2015 at 03:47
I am just sick of all the wimpy easily offended people… should we just change the name of the country… United States of Offended??? What happened to home of the brave, the strong, the free… turned into a punch of cry babies, afraid to be proud, afraid to be free thinkers, afraid to be accountable and responsible and mature… seems so simple… and hey, no, if the shoe doesn’t fit, I wasn’t talking about you… but if you do feel offended, I probably was.
TD Blackman July 1st, 2015 at 04:28
score one for the good guys
Michael Parker July 1st, 2015 at 04:35
Naming the installations is up to the Services. The president is in charge of the services. It’s Obama’s call.
Gary July 1st, 2015 at 06:44
I was under the impression that Confederate officers swore oaths of loyalty to the United States after the war and were pardoned for their offenses. Indeed, many Confederate officers took positions as government employees in a variety of posts after the war. It is true that Confederate officers turned against the national government in favor of their own state governments, but the American national identity was still forming and local identities were primary in the American imagination at that time. It is worth asking what exactly was being betrayed and what exactly was being rebelled against. For the record, I am not an apologist for the mythical South that so many southerners are in love with, but neither do I think we should attempt to fit historical individuals into modern constructs which they may not have even imagined in their day.
Terri haberman July 1st, 2015 at 10:18
You have enough great solders with great character . You don’t need the names of traiters to be used. Shame on you. I’m sure , Mussolini ,,Hitler. Would still be names still used with your explanation. Shame on you.
Death of Slavery July 1st, 2015 at 11:11
Ah, the death throes of State Sanctioned Slavery. It’s really good to see. Ad for all of you history revisionists, the Civil War was NOT about taxation in the south, it was about Abolition – pure and simple. This offensive flag must be treated like religion, it can be honored in private homes and institutions, on private graves for private individuals. But do not try to ram it down the throat of truth and justice in the face of overwhelming historical evidence. Do not try to paint a dark historical period wearing the glasses of nostalgia. This flag is a symbol of organized hatred and oppression and all of you closet crackers are gjust going to have to go with it. Sorry, you lost, we won.
America's Own July 1st, 2015 at 11:40
The South weren’t traitors, they were only doing what Americans or as they were know then “colonists” did 75 years before, where’s your common sense when stating such things about the south, America is a whole, we must fight as a whole, or we will die as a whole, there’s no me, there’s no I, there is only us, and we all go down together.
Sonia Durham July 1st, 2015 at 11:59
Bravo. You can always count on our military to do the right thing. Too bad the leader of our country does not agree and support our military.
Hooahvixen July 1st, 2015 at 13:00
Who give a fuck! It’s American history. The subject of history is solely there to learn from mistakes and keep moving forward. Let the fucking rednecks have their flags. Stop trying to change every little thing bc you think it’s offensive. Spend more time trying to make yourself better and stop worrying about dumb bullshit. God, I hate people so much.
Junior July 1st, 2015 at 13:02
I don’t know who this small group of puppeteers are but I’m sure they are smiling in glee as they pull the media strings creating division within the country through religion, race, gender, ideology, historical, et. al. non issues. As they create divisiveness turning one against another this cancer will soon spread to the military —– who will they be defending? The United States of discord? Yes, the puppeteers be they some leftist, communist or other subversive group are having a good time of it. We are becoming ripe for a takeover.
Diana Herd Garcia July 1st, 2015 at 13:14
Thank God for the army.I’m an Army brat fort Campbell ly.My godfather was William Cleveland Westmoreland my people fought for the USA since the french and Indian War till present day We fought for the Constitution not mob rule.All Americans have right s even if you don’t agree. so thank god that our army stands for what we died for the Constitution and not its citizens who are acting like 1940s Germans.
Betty hunt July 1st, 2015 at 14:55
Hurrah for the United States Army !!!!
I agree with General Robert E Lee who said in response to the Confederate flag “fold it and put it away”. Preferably in a museum but the names should stick. Things are getting carried too far.
jim July 1st, 2015 at 15:24
next they will want to bulldoze up Arlington national cemetary. after all that is Robert E Lee’s home. people need to get off this 150 year ago rights. maybe they shold look at every kkk photo and notE it wasn’t the rebel flag leading the parade it was the us flag give me a break.
Robert J Jones July 1st, 2015 at 16:34
These Southern officers served their respective causes with hinor and dignity. Leave their names right where they belong.
Jeffrey debusk July 1st, 2015 at 17:36
I am happy someone has made a stand. The flag that is being protested is a battle flag. And if it about hate the I guess we should protest the us flag too. Wasn’t it used when we were at war with the native Americans and does it not have more blood shed. I am just saying this has gone to far.
CW5 P July 1st, 2015 at 18:31
SFC Berry-These men were not considered traitors at the time. They chose to uphold their primary allegiance to their states. This is an alien concept to many, nowadays. However, back in the mid-1800s it was expected for you to stick to your state’s position on an issue. States were viewed (constitutionally) as sovereign, with exceptions enumerated and specified in the Constitution including the attendant Bill of Rights (amendments). Ironically, those who chose to part ways with their state were viewed suspiciously and deemed untrustworthy by the Union. A man’s honor and integrity were thus bound, success or failure, to their commitment to their state’s position.
June W Montgomery July 1st, 2015 at 18:36
Thank you for making this decision. How could the few rule our lives and our history? I understand how others do not like our history but doesn’t they see how they have prospered each year since the bad years. Everyone suffered during those years. Children fought and died as well as young people. How can a groupe not understand this as they too prospered from bad times. The president should see this too.
CSM (r) Russell Baas July 1st, 2015 at 21:09
Enough is enough! Stand fast Army!
Molly K July 1st, 2015 at 21:36
Have we forgotten that a deranged person took the lives at the church that sad day? No flag ever pulled a trigger.
janice wiseman July 1st, 2015 at 21:52
So glad that pentagon is acting rational,and is not removing these generals names from the forts.We people in the south also could find fault with northern generals who removed the indiand by force under direct order of general Winfield scott,the trail of tears.These generals also robbed from us burned our homes,we do not hold hate in our hearts.Removing our flag is causing hate I am sorry to say.May God have mercy on our much divided nation.
Not PC July 1st, 2015 at 22:18
You ignorant fools! You call them traitors because they lost. Had the South won, it would have been the Union generals you would be calling traitor today. The winners always re-write history to their own glory. Funny how most Americans don’t even know their own history but like to talk out their ass as if they did. Maybe we should go to all the Civil War cemeteries and dig up all the “Traitors” and dump them in a big land fill, crush every tombstone and monuments of the same traitors, clear the land and put some housing project so the morons of this once great country can get together, drink cool aid and smoke crack! Learn to think for your self, put away the cool aid, don’t follow the masses. Going out to buy a CS flag to fly alongside my Stars and Stripes!
Ralph Wright July 1st, 2015 at 22:34
The military is correct. These were brave, courageous, and brilliant military minded people.
Do people want us to change the names of our post and bases based on what is politically correct each year? How about Fort Noname or Politically Correct Air Fource Base or (Incert your favorite name here)_______ Navy Base?
Michael McGillicuddy July 1st, 2015 at 23:11
You sir are correct. It was about states rights. The states rights to continue slavery. So you are correct in saying what you say. But you are stopping way short of telling the entire truth.
Kenneth Campbell July 2nd, 2015 at 00:21
This is for all you who keep repeatedly claiming the Confederates and their Generals were traitors. Our Confederate Generals were educated at West Point. There they were taught that secession was not only legal but accepted when faced with an overpowering Federal Government. My question to you is, name the Confederates that were tried and convicted of treason. Answer, there were none ! So shut your mouth about treason. You don’t know what you are talking about !
Kevin Huff July 2nd, 2015 at 00:48
As a army vet having went through osut at fort benning served at fort Campbell as well as vilseck Germany also fort Lee Virginia followed by fort Hood tx fuck your reasons for wanting to change American history because you are black and pissed I’m white I’m pissed and I’ve got the balls to tell the NAACP the ACLU and any variable of the B.P.P black panther party you want some come get some start a race war in this country. All enemies foreign and domestic and I’ll be damned if you will smear the the blood of fallen patriots without feeling yours leave your body and as for SFC dingle berry you should be ashamed
Jeff Yablan July 2nd, 2015 at 01:07
Then why not Fort Arnold, named after another general who became a U.S. traitor?
Me July 2nd, 2015 at 01:21
The US flag represented a nation that condoned institutionalized slavery for 89 years (1776-1865),from its conception til the passing of 13th amendment, and the CSA flag did for only 5 years. And we’re protesting that in its 5 year history that IT represents racism? Over 1/3 of US history the stars and stripes represented slavery, maybe we should be more upset about that.
Jamie Lyn July 2nd, 2015 at 01:25
Thank you! Please continue to hold your ground. Those who died for the confederacy were following orders!
Historical Balance July 2nd, 2015 at 03:01
So to all those that are thinking that the Civil War was fought to end slavery I have a few questions. Ponder these if you will.
1.If the Union wanted to end slavery why was Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri allowed to be in the Union, but also allowed to be a slave state?
2. Why was the Emancipation Proclamation not enacted until 3 years after the war started. And why was it only applicable to the Confederate States? Meaning that those 4 states mentioned above sis not have to free their slaves.
3. Why was the 13th Amendment to the Constitution not enacted until after the war ended. You cannot say because the Confederate States voted against it in Washington. The House and Senate were wholly controlled by the Union States.
Frank Wood, U.S. Army veteran July 2nd, 2015 at 10:55
I agree with most of the people supporting the U.S. Army’s decison. I do not agree with the white power statements or that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery. The Civil War was about state’s rights and the chief right most feared was economic devastation by the immediate loss of slavery by the Lincoln administration. It would be similar, in some but not all respects, if suddenly the government thought driving vehicles were polluting society, no car can ever be produced for resell and all existing cars had to be immediately given away. The automotive manufacturers and dealers would suffer immensely which would in turn cause a lot of unemployment. Something like that would have to be done gradually, as the country was somewhat trying to do because the slave trade was actually outlawed in 1808. The government should have immediately worked out a 20 year slave release program that might include such things as government buyouts for immediate releases and protections to avoid pseudo-slavery. It would have avoided the Civil War and released the slaves a generation prior. However, it was too hard to accomplish with too many prideful congressmen, much like the balanced budget and saving of the Social Security system is too difficult today. One argument others missed debating fully is Janine said these men were not U.S. officers. Actually, if you look them up, Lee graduated from West Point and served 32 years in the U.S. Army including the Mexican American War and Harpers Ferry Raid. John Bell Hood graduated from West Point and served 8 years in the U.S. Army, Leonidas Polk, graduated from West Point and served a year before seeking a higher calling in the church, etc. Not in this list, there was once a fort named for JEB Stuart who was another West Point graduate and who served 6 years in the U.S. Army. Stonewall Jackson probably could have been named for a fort if one was needed in the region where he was raised, but Nathan Bedford Forrest is conspicuously absent from this list of forts, for obviously not living up to the noble character of a U.S. military officer, as pointed out in the movie “Forrest Gump.” If you cannot use a flag that allowed slavery, then you cannot use the U.S. flag. If you do not want to use somebody who some people could view as a traitor, then you would have to get rid of George Washington who led a rebellious army for 7 years. That would be ludicrous though right? Over time, Washington was recognized by England as the President of the United States. Over time, the Civil War officers and soldiers reconciled in reunions where even the U.S. Army, who had firsthand eyewitnesses and many reports from firsthand eyewitnesses, knew quite well what these generals did and still named major military bases after some of those generals. Of course there were some extremists that took personal pride too far such as Nathan Bedford Forrest, and there are some people like that still today. With a population in the millions, it would stand to reason that even .1% of the population is still a lot of people but we should realize the invalidity of their statements and we should not let them steer our country away from history and reconciliation into racial tension.
Carl Hansen July 2nd, 2015 at 11:27
Fort Benning wil be Fort Martin Luther King
Fort Bragg will be Fort Obama
Fort Lee will be Fort Rosa Parks
Fort Gordon will be Fort Al Sharpton
Fort A. P. Hill will be Fort Trayvon Martin
Fort Picket will be Fort Malcom X
Fort Rucker will be Fort O. J. Simpson
Fort Wood will be Fort jesse jackson
Fort Polk will be Fort Rachel Dolezal…..
James A. McNeely July 2nd, 2015 at 13:49
Thank God, someone is reasonable! Thank you Army for defending this great nation of ours and for your stance on NOT re-naming US Army bases. Go Army!
Theresa Schatte SSG Retired July 2nd, 2015 at 14:31
thank you for having the mind and strength to stand up to this mess going on in our history.
Theresa Schatte SSG Retired July 2nd, 2015 at 14:57
after reading all these stupid. Comments about the confederates being traitors, you are illiterate du be asses. We are the south I stop and help broke down no matter the color. I don’t bother anyone I give to those in need , I jump people off when they need help. I am a true southern Texan . I don’t have a twang never have. I give do unto my neighbor as I would have him do unto me. The confederate blood runs proudly in my veins. My great grandpa served proudly in the war. He ca,e back tattered an worn. He owned. I slaves and didn’t think he should or anyone should have any.. He fought because he could not afford to pay taxes that he couldn’t afford to pay to the english northern states. Listen to the old people or go to Austin Texas read the humongous books in the old old library they are wood bound book the size of a desk. Read real history not made up crap. And stop calling the confederates traitors they were not . The north english were thieves who wanted to tax the south poor.
Debbie July 2nd, 2015 at 15:33
SFC Berry, read your history please. You call Confederates traitors. They were NO such thing. The founding fathers not only gave us the right to rise up against any tyranny but told us it was our responsibility to do so. So you are wrong. They were not traitors, they were Patriots true to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.
Ginny Turner July 2nd, 2015 at 16:55
Amen for standing up to these crazy demands…these symbols are NOT what is killing people. It is people….plain & simple….now if we could just REMOVE “hatred” from their hearts…maybe there could be peace in our country!
DS Bruce Robertson July 2nd, 2015 at 19:58
Let’s just start with these bases being names after a collection of losers. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that they were all ultimately just the same kind of failures as military men as the Iraqi regulars who surrendered to US television crews. They were failures. All of these bases could be renamed for Military tacticians whose expertise and bravery contributed to an American military victory. There are WWI and WWII Officers and soldiers that deserve the recognition and honor that these traitors are stealing from a universally prideful America. If you are in favor of Confederate losers, you are automatically and irrevocably against 20th and 21st century heroes who fought for the right flag instead of trying to kill those who were.
Chuck July 2nd, 2015 at 21:07
I’m keeping my flags no matter what anyone says so people who don’t know what it stands for it there problem not mine.
Mountain July 2nd, 2015 at 21:16
All you morons spouting about the CSA being traitors…read the Constitution you spineless idiots. They we’re only following the instructions of our forefathers in case if a corrupt government. Which they we’re facing. So you keyboard warriors need to educate yourselves before you show your idiocy to the world.
Shawn Brockman July 2nd, 2015 at 22:25
It’s part of our American history and people are trying to destroy it. Unacceptable. Everything it seems offends someone or group and we got to get rid of it. Bull crap. Get over it by now.
AmericanBoy July 3rd, 2015 at 11:33
As an American, I’ve never understood how the act of fighting against our country and killing American soldiers is not considered treasonous behavior. I understand not hanging them for reconciliation purposes, but they are still traitors to the United States of America, and should not be treated as heroes for killing American soldiers. I can’t imagine anyone renouncing their US citizenship to fight for ISIS or Germany ever being honored this way. If you fight against your country, you are a traitor.
K Mac July 3rd, 2015 at 14:34
Thanks for this. Just one question, where is Fort Arnold and Fort Burr located?
Vera Milliken July 3rd, 2015 at 18:36
Thank you for standing up for brave soldiers who earned this honor and your loyalty and service to our country !
Btuve Scotton July 3rd, 2015 at 21:23
These individuals choose to fight for a nation based on adding the right to own others as slaves. Often they left their posts in the U.S. military to do so. It is time to stop honoring slaveRs and deserters.
YetAnotherVet July 3rd, 2015 at 22:18
Why stop at renaming bases (which were named after people form the state that they are located in). Let’s rename every state county, and city where slavery was legal at any point in our history..
Wendy July 4th, 2015 at 05:01
These are men who fought their close friends. I don’t think any base should be named after anyone unless they were a peace keeper. Just saying.
Roy July 4th, 2015 at 14:16
What a large thread on this topic. However, I add to the fact that the Civil War was all about slavery, period! The fact that most of the generals were West Point graduates that swore to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States makes them what – oh yea, traitors. However, the generals of the different sides did continue to respect one another, send gifts during holidays, etc.
Sarah July 4th, 2015 at 17:35
I wish people would realise whether you are for or against this It was all in the past Our history CANNOT be changed ever.This is going over the score.It has came to point that you cant say anything about anything and before you know its on the news or its on social media .It is only putting us against each other and is only going to get worse if we dont stop.
Dennis July 5th, 2015 at 01:41
Everyone who says the civil war was fought over states rights makes me think of someone who would say that hockey is all about the puck, and ignore the sticks, the surface, the net or the players… Likewise those that argue slavery as the culprit. There were a lot of issues, and plenty of elements with their own agenda. Get over it… the Confederate flag is like one of those ink blots my doctors keep asking me what I see… to me it’s two chicks making out… to you it might be two dudes…. but the fact is it’s an ink blot… you choose to see what you want to see… and you’re not wrong for seeing two dides… I’m not wrong for seeing two chicks… southern folks can love their ink blot and black Americans can hate it… it’s still just a piece of fabric…
antoneatkins July 5th, 2015 at 02:34
The overaction of a handful of misguided beligerants has gone far enough. It is is absurd to believe the nation has to bow down and give up icons that has been woven into the very fabric of our society for decades. Enough is enough. If your little feelings are hurt keep your mouth shut and please move to Russia or Cuba.
Andy July 5th, 2015 at 14:00
If you all think that they didn’t go to war over slavery was part of the reason, than your blind to the truth, but it wasn’t the total reason. The south was pro slavery, cause these rich plantation owners didn’t wanna do the work themselves. Just plain and simple
Ronnie July 5th, 2015 at 21:05
It is a dam shame the confederate flag is a part of history not racist flag. This all started because of 1 man action 2 kill black people at a church if he would have been seen with the American flag would they be trying 2 ban it no. Come on people wake up America is going to hell if things don’t change Obama needs impeached so we can get our COUNTRY BACK!!!!!!
sgt rowdy July 5th, 2015 at 23:49
sfc berry…. first of all to call these men traitors is to call all americans traitors… as our great country was founded by traitors with acts of terrorism. you are a stupid asshat and part of the problem in our military and the american public as a matter of fact. its people like you that have no real understanding of what our country is and what these men stood for… standing up for states rights doesnt make you a traitor in any sense of the word. only morons like yourself believe that standing up for ones beliefs and standing by ones constitution are treason…. have a good day s’arnt and i hope you have learned something here.
PIMP July 6th, 2015 at 10:57
SFC Berry, you are an idiot!
tenby peklo July 8th, 2015 at 15:08
This kid, ROOF, wanted to start a race war. Well, congratulations!! Even though the only race is to remove the Confederate Flag from our heritage. The flag is just as much a part of the United States as the Flag is. It stands for a time when the two parts of the United States came together. Now it is time for all of the United States to come together. There are many different ideals and ways in the United States now. They have all come here for what the Flag and the Confederate Flag stand for. If you don’t like our ways, and you don’t like our history, you may exit to the east or to the west. There is a boat waiting to take you back to your HOME land. Leave US alone.
Tom Underdog July 9th, 2015 at 22:54
The reason for all the fuss is to split and divide our nation along racial lines. Why else didnt Obama speak of the history. He wants the split to widen. He is a divide not a uniter.
EX Infantry July 10th, 2015 at 13:46
anyone gets offended by the names of our military posts most likely never served a day in their life you need to take a break calm down and worry about what’s on your own plate
EX Infantry July 10th, 2015 at 13:49
Confederate soldiers were not traders read your history and leave the names of our military posts as they are
Ronnie Daughtrey July 20th, 2015 at 16:28
There is intelligent life on this planet. Thanks for the glee of hope
I never here the Babar Coast Slave Trade mentioned. Where Africans enslaved white Europeans for hundreds of years.
Man has committed atrocity upon man since time began. People are going to have to forgive the past and move forward together. Or we’re gonna see this country burn. It is content of character. And right now it’s ugly because people strive for ignorance.
Eric July 26th, 2015 at 19:47
I am in agreement with you up until the last two points…”As many Irish salves as African”.. Not true, not even close. Even if just for the sake of conversation it were true; Irish salves did not come by nasty, filthy salve ships. Where during the voyage millions lost their lives. Truly, the first “Holocaust”.
Secondly, the continent of Africa has many different nations living within the borders of that continent. African Jews, African Christians, African Muslims, African Hindus, and African Aetheist. So, to say that their own people sold them into salvary is incorrect. Thats like saying Romans ensalved their own; Germans, Solvics, Brits, etc all white. We know that to not be true. All of those groups live within the borders of the European continent.
So, conclusion, salvery of any kind sucks, is a violation of human rights and moreover should never have been practiced by any group at any time in human history. Nonetheless, it was practiced and continues to be practiced in the 21st century.
There is no comparison that can be made by any ethnic group to the enslavement of Africans during the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries.
Today, in the 21st century, all ethnicities regardless of locations on earth are ensalved. My question to that is, who sold us (human beings) into modern day salvary? It wasn’t Native American Indians or Africans, or the Irish, or Solvics, or any other ethnic group but I can guarantee that those who sold us into mordern day salvery were mostly “WEALTHY” white/non-white males.
jgarmon August 14th, 2015 at 07:27
You do realize that semper fi is a marine thing not army right?
Billy September 1st, 2015 at 06:33
Um, if that’s the case, then who built those pyramids?
cindy September 10th, 2015 at 10:58
Great response! Thank you#
Silver September 10th, 2015 at 11:01
The Americans who wore the Grey and fought Lincoln’s army were anything but traders. They fought trying to preserve our American tradition and stop the first steps of government overreach and overwhelming taxation. These men are truly American hero’s that had to make a very hard choice to fight against good friends and country. But when your country becomes oppressive it’s your duty to stand strong.
Ghost September 10th, 2015 at 11:29
So the Union was all about our great nation? They were unwilling to let the south legally leave the union as per their rights under the constitution because they didn’t want to lose the money the south provided from the crop fields. The wanted to overtax the south to get more money. Lincoln himself said that all people of color, free or slave,did not belong in Anerica and wanted to create a place for them in Central America. How is greed and hatred towards all people of color this great Anerica you speak of? Wait, let me guess, you’re a democrat and you support this current great government that is killing our nation and creating new that same racial divide that Lincoln did…only this time it’s against whites. You need to open a book and get educated on the facts and what a great nation means. Especially if you’re in the military. We swore to pretect and defend the constitution, just as those in the CSA were trying to do in legally leaving the Union, but the Union failed to follow the Constitution in not letting them.
Ghost September 10th, 2015 at 11:32
This individual probably isn’t even in the Army and is just using the rank to be cool for his broke pathetic friends because he/she isn’t educated and/or motivated enough to be a soldier and make the sacrifices we make.
Ghost September 10th, 2015 at 11:35
Take a minute and read the constitution and then come back with your comments. It is our right, we the people, to keep our government in check. The Union was overstepping its authority and the citizens took up their rights. Something that will probably happen again soon at the rate this government is doing things in violation of our rights.
Ghost September 10th, 2015 at 11:39
So the fact that the American flag flew over slavery longer than the CSA flag did means nothing? The fact that it was the Anerican flag, not the CSA flag, flying from slave ships means nothing? Let’s hate the Confederate flag because they got overpowered and lost. That’s your point? Screw what they stood for? Oh, and you’re saying it’s okay to have the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial too then I guess? Washington was a slave owner and Lincoln wanted all people of color, free and slave, out of his country. But yea, let’s hate the Confederate flag because they tried to do what was right by our constitution.
Dennis September 10th, 2015 at 11:39
How about the traitor in the White House.. Is there a double standard
Nate September 10th, 2015 at 12:44
I personally believe all the people comparing Nazi Germany to the Confederate states of America just need to be shot! If you are that ignorant you just really don’t deserve the oxygen that you are breathing
Bob September 10th, 2015 at 13:01
Confederate generals where more loyal to thair states and thair families who lived in said area!
Sue September 10th, 2015 at 13:53
SFC Berry…. NO ONE cares what you think or believe. Even the Army knows your an idiot.
Chad September 10th, 2015 at 13:54
Actually they were not traitors.. they didnt try to over throw the government. They Seceded… Huge difference. Even had they over threw the government our Constitution protects it. You may want to go reread it and maybe take a history class as well.
Wayne McMichael September 10th, 2015 at 14:35
I have chosen to boycott these companies because of their bigoted hateful assault on the south- Macy’s, Amazon, Sears, Walmart, eBay, Nike, NASCAR, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, Levi’s, Target, Marriott, Buzzfeed.
Lori September 10th, 2015 at 14:37
thank you Sir. You speak well and I am continually dumbfounded by the ignorance of our citizenry. Our schools do not teach enough of our nations history for the general public to have even a basic understanding of the course of our past. So few are willing to form an original idea or thought that is not spoon fed to them by the media or their misinformed peers. Every day I am shocked by what passes for law. I see a slippery slope that aims to purge our past from even memory. These gallant men fought with the kind of character that is missing from so much of the world. I pray that the masses fail in the cleansing. Thank you for standing up for what is right.
Scott September 10th, 2015 at 15:18
Sir,clearly you don’t understand history and I’ll not be the one to school you. But when I was a young E-4 as we used to say that guy only made SFC because the points were low.
Dave September 10th, 2015 at 15:21
Aliens… Duh
Dave September 10th, 2015 at 15:22
All the founding fathers were traitors….
Winners write the history though
Steve September 10th, 2015 at 15:49
Your ignorance is showing because they weren’t traitors. As Robert E. Lee said, his first allegiance was to his home state of Virginia and at that time in the history of the US the state you were from was as important or moreso than the United States. And there was a strong belief at that time that the states voluntarily joined the union and were therefore allowed to leave it as well.
The one who violated the Constitution would be Lincoln with various actions he took such as suspending Habeas Corpus, jailing Maryland legislators to keep them from voting on secession, etc.
YELDARB September 10th, 2015 at 15:55
Slavery was controversial. It was like abortion is today: upheld/celebrated as legal and constitutional by the Supreme Court even while so many Americans saw it as immoral or even evil. So does the morality or immorality of something trump whether it is legal and constitutional? The abolitionists placed the morality of slavery above any court ruling/legal precedent. If you condemn the southern slave owners you must also be critical of the modern-day defenders of abortion. Indeed, there were many in that era who didn’t and wouldn’t own slaves (or did so with a mixed conscience) but deemed it to be a personal choice. Sound familiar?
Robert E Lee inherited slaves from his wife’s family. But he like Stonewall Jackson saw it for what it was: a moral and political evil. Many of those who spoke up for the Union were hard core racists who despised slavery for its economic effects. Lee’s words might reflect those of many today if you or I were in his shoes: “A federal union of states requiring rifles and bayonets to hold it together could never hold affection from me”
Remember too that lawyers in north and south routinely helped dissolve marriages or unsuccessful business partnerships. Many saw the national federal union as a mere pact which could be ended if either party no longer valued it.
In this century we cannot fully understand the events as they seemed to those in the 19th century.
Raymond Hill September 10th, 2015 at 15:57
Fort Lee was not after Robert Edward Lee , it was named for his father Harry ” Lighthorse” Lee. Washington’s cavalry commander. And yes all PATRIOTS start out as traitors.
Norm September 10th, 2015 at 16:24
I can’t believe you misspelled slavery and slaves that many times
Darrell September 10th, 2015 at 17:03
Hey eric why don’t you first learn how to spell before you get to high up on your horse. Slave/slaves is spelled “s-l-a-v-e/s-l-a-v-e-s” not salve/salves…
Briana September 10th, 2015 at 17:12
Norm, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice that! I was going to forgive SALVE as a typo, as it IS a world but salvery/salvary? Is that the process of making ointment or perhaps where ointment is made? Then again, salvary is close to salivary…maybe he’s accusing them of drooling a lot? Ensalved? Does that mean they were engulfed in ointment?
Annie September 10th, 2015 at 17:13
Wonderful response. Going to share. Thank you.
Annie September 10th, 2015 at 17:17
Wonderful response. Going to share. Thank you.
Briana September 10th, 2015 at 17:19
Also Solvic? mordern?! Do you mean Slavic? modern? Unless you are trying to make up adjectives for Solvang and Mordor…
Briana September 10th, 2015 at 17:26
Oh no! DO NOT pick on Louisiana and give us that crackpot!
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 17:34
Well said, sir! And if it weren’t for Southerners filling our military way out of proportion to their population, Amerika would be up a creek, so to speak.
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 17:42
We’re on the same side, but I think you mean read the Declaration of Independence—that’s where the language is, describing what a people is supposed to do against an unruly government. AND, you can find it in Lincoln’s speech, where he says the people have a DUTY to throw off oppression and create a government to their liking. Look it up. Imagine the irony of him saying such, compared to his 1860s behavior toward the South! Lincoln was quoted on every side of every issue—-what a dick! Heads he wins, tails we lose! Now, he is held up as a god figure. PUKE! And then, in 1863 he has the gall to claim to be defending “government of, by, and for the People!”
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 17:56
Ghost—-I like your clear thinking.
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 18:15
Neither Bergdahl nor Manning graduated second in his class at West Point, then spent 30 years in the US Army as an officer in high profile leadership positions, doing great service for the USA, as did General Lee and many others. No comparison at all.
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 18:23
Certainly less famous, but my own relative, William Crawford Smith, a color bearer sergeant in the 41st Virginia Infantry, CSA, a young man in the War Between the States, left as architect at Vanderbilt College and went BACK in service to the US during the Spanish American War in his 60s, as Colonel comanding Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and died in battle fighting for the USA. Was he a traitor, too?
percy hobart September 10th, 2015 at 18:55
They seem to forget aswell there were more white slaves than black due to the barbery slave trade , but they don’t teach that in the schools, and I saw plenty of white soldiers walking into the mushroom clouds when testing the A bombs. It pisses me of when they try to divide your country . I’m British and I’m sat on the side line looking in and it’s fucking shocking how there acting .
Southern Airborne Vet September 10th, 2015 at 18:55
You know, there is always an exception to every general claim, but I state this. The people like you who so easily toss around the word “traitor” have usually never stood in harm’s way for any thing, and knowing the majority military mind as I do, I don’t care who you call a traitor, you sniveling freeloader.
dt September 10th, 2015 at 19:17
Well it would help if u new what u were talking about besides being correct it was not caused by slavery. It was in fact do to voting rights of the south. Cause there were many more white people in the north. The southern States wanted the Capitol to say they could get 1 vote for every two slaves to be able to compete in the elections. The capitol said no the south decided to leave the union. In turn the northern states said no because of the amount of product that came from the south and started the civil war. U can search and find that a lot of black people chose to fight for the South because their respective owners were not mean to them like movies and alot of people would like everyone to believe.
tired of all this bullshit September 10th, 2015 at 19:18
Ok….keyboard warriors….it’s simple….stop for a second….take two deep breaths….now shut the Fuck up….America is America….multi beliefs….multi cultured….multi religion’s….don’t like cool…we are ok with that…..some of us are tired of y’all cramming your political views down our throats….can you reverse the bombings of Hiroshima by talking about it for a decade? No…..where you yourself part of it? No….(some might be)Then. All you have to say is an opinion…..were you yourself ever a slave? No? Then shut the Fuck up….I’m done paying for some atrocity that you feel that you endured that I took no part in. Get over yourself. Nobody with a brain cares any longer…. I am a average white male. I pay my taxes and my children probably go to the same schools y’all kids do…..all your doing is forcing your beliefs on everyone else and that not what this country is about or for….its simple….don’t like it….leave….no body is gonna be at your door saying omg we are so sorry….it’s people like you that are tearing this country apart….there are many options available to you….you can leave by boat…by plane….by car…or by shoe leather express….enough is enough…just stop….
Steve September 10th, 2015 at 19:23
Actually, promotion to SFC is not based on points…
mj September 10th, 2015 at 19:30
So very well stated! I’m frickin over all the whining about shit that never effected the current day population! Nobody’s holding you back but yourselves!!
mj September 10th, 2015 at 19:33
Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
mj September 10th, 2015 at 19:36
Jason September 10th, 2015 at 23:10
I agree there should NEVER be a military base named after a traitor….Therefore we should never have a military installation disgraced with the name ” Fort Obama ” ……..
Jason September 10th, 2015 at 23:14
History & FACTS are very often two entirely different subjects….The schools Brainwash our children to believe the LIES & PROPAGANDA of a biased left leaning educational system…people have to be smart enough to see through the lies & to find the TRUTH for themselves….
Chfsrg September 10th, 2015 at 23:30
As were all the founding fathers
Dxeboy September 11th, 2015 at 04:52
SFC Berry, you Sir, are a poster child for ignorance unbecoming an adult!!! Perhaps you should read the articles of the State constitutions and learn that succession was not an act of treason but of principled, committed, and sincere love for country in an attempt to cut ail federal powers!!! Needed again sorely!!!
Sharon W.Taylor September 11th, 2015 at 15:27
The Africans most CERTAINLY DID sell their own people!! Go read your history books! I am tired of people making up things and expecting people to believe this garbage. Libraries are full of History books that will tell the truth that will always be here!
In Response to Ingorance... September 11th, 2015 at 16:56
I am descended from Irish immigrants, so please stop the whining about how your ancestors were mistreated because they were imported here as slaves. Instead, you should be thankful that they were brought over here, otherwise you might still be in Africa, subsisting on scraps of meat and berries while living in a dung hut.
Without argument, until the 18th Century, North America imported more Irish slaves than African slaves. Furthermore, Irish slaves could be beaten to death without just cause or consequence. Ireland was full of them and they were cheap; beating an Irishman to death was of little consequence, and more could always be purchased.
Most of us were taught that whites from Ireland came to the New World as indentured servants; who were expected to serve an indenture of 7 to 12 years to pay for their transport. An indenture was a binding contract for labor over a specific period of time. A few Irish were transported as indentured servants before 1625, but from then on all the Irish (except for those who had the funds to emigrate, of whom there were very few), were sold as lifetime slaves to the highest bidder.
The war was over before it started at the Battle of Kinsdale, 1601. The Irish armies suffered a catastrophic defeat, and the British forced their surrenders. There were 60,000 prisoners; a huge liability for a cash strapped government that was expected to feed the prisoners.
British privateers were already engaged in a lucrative slave trade, so the crown decided to sell the captives into slavery. It would cost money to transport them to a country for banishment, but if they were sold to British planters in the New World, a handsome profit could be realized.
A Proclamation of James II in 1625 mandated that all Irish political prisoners were to be sold as slaves in the West Indies to British settlers. After the mid-1600s, slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat were primarily Irish. The population of Montserrat at this time was 70% Irish slaves.
Thereafter, Ireland became the main terminus for acquisition of slaves. Between 1641 and 1652, the English killed 500,000 Irish and another 300,000 were sold into slavery. Unfortunately, so many men were shipped away or killed that there was a glut of women and children, whom were reduced to begging and wandering the countryside. The British solution to this problem was to sweep them up and ship them to the New World, where they were auctioned off into slavery.
During the decade of 1650 to 1660, over 100,000 Irish children were shipped to the West Indies in this manner and sold into slavery. Over 52,000 women and children, along with another 30,000 men and women, were sold to Barbados and Virginia. The fabled British patriot and hero Cromwell ordered 2,000 Irish children shipped to Jamaica to be sold as slaves to British planters and settlers.
In a means to disguise the cruelty inflicted upon the Irish and make it more palatable, it has become fashionable to describe the sale of Irish into slavery as indentured servitude. Unfortunately, this is a ruse used to hide the fact that Irish slaves were considered to be livestock with a value placed upon them for the amount of work they were capable of accomplishing before they died.
African slaves came with the stain of being considered an inferior being, but the Irish were of the Catholic religion, and were thus considered a scourge upon the earth. The possibility of unrest or rebellion was always a consideration with the Irish, but there was a continuous supply; consequently, they were much cheaper than the African and usually received inferior treatment from their British masters.
A young African male would bring 50 Pounds Sterling: An equivalent Irish man would bring 5 Pounds Sterling or 900 pounds of cotton. If a planter whipped or beat an Irish slave to death, it was considered a cost of doing business. There were no legal repercussions or obligations, only a monetary loss.
An Irish slave death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African. The British put their rudimentary knowledge of agricultural genetics to use by breeding their attractive Irish slaves with Africans. The children they produced remained slaves, even in the off chance a woman obtained her freedom. Sadly these few women who obtained emancipation or manumission, almost never abandoned their children and remained in perpetual servitude. The British used their rudimentary knowledge of genetics to put the Irish women with the Africans to come up with the new slave type of the west Indies, the Mulatto. These “hybrid” slaves brought a higher price on the auction block than the typical Irish or African and allowed the planter to save money on replacement slaves rather than investing in new Africans.
This practice of interbreeding to take advantage of hybrid vigor was so widespread over a period of several decades, legislation was passed to forbid the practice in 1681; since, it was beginning to negatively affect the price received by the slave transport companies for new African arrivals. Profitability was the primary concern. Breeding Irish women to Africans produced the prized mulatto or Black Irish, a system that was eventually banned because it softened the African slave prices.
David Morris September 11th, 2015 at 20:00
You are somewhat correct. Irish slaves were not brought to the new world for many reasons. The first is that they all spoke English, the second, the US started out in James Town has a minning colony. The Irish speaking English would be hard to stop them from being in cahoots about a slave rebellion against the Brits. The second they were thought to be slaves. You are wrong however, on the Irish not being slaves. They were indeed slaves for many centuries. The Irish were freed, actually not the right word. They were left alone. Because Africans didn’t speak the same language and because of this they were easier to control. Once the African slave trade got really popular in the mid 1700’s the Irish were no longer considered a profitable slave group.
Vet Paratrooper December 28th, 2015 at 20:59
In your comparison between Black and Irish slaves, you’ve overlooked a ton of factors. This is part of the major divide in our country over how to view slavery. The Irish: though originally despised for dumb and illogical reasons (like most immigrants). 1) Never were considered sub-human. 2) Never were intentionally in-bred 3) Never were barred from education, religion or property rights 4) Never systematically raped, maimed,lynched. And also, it should be noted: when you speak of the democrats of that era. They are in-fact now the modern day republican party. So, don’t be confused!!! Lastly, NO black person ever denied that blacks had a hand in our being brought to America en-mass. But, how does that magically absolve or even slightly minimize the involvement of America and European whites??? Did Africans force whites to bring slaves to America? Did they by threat of war: force America to hold slaves for hundreds of years, then install Jim Crow afterwards???
Vet Paratrooper December 28th, 2015 at 21:30
That is very interesting. Much of what you said, I did not know or only knew bits of; and will look into it further. But, respectfully speaking: I have a question. Being that Africans never invaded Ireland and have no history of conflict with the Irish, either in America or abroad. Why are blacks so despised by American Irish? Surly the systematic inter-breeding of our peoples, which you spoke of before (Mulatto’s)was the machinations of American and European whites. Why the animosity? For the sake of argument please consider: what one peoples’ ancestors endured doesn’t preclude someone else from being concerned about the treatment of their own people. To Jews: their persecution was unprecedented. But, they would have No right to say Irish shouldn’t complain. Nor, do the Irish have a right to say their suffering trumps that of Africans brought here. The circumstances were different/NOT equal at the time each group got here and has NEVER been. So, it’s comparing apples and oranges.
Vet Paratrooper December 28th, 2015 at 21:50
Respectfully speaking: here is your argument in a nutshell. “If you sell your mother, sister or daughter to a sex trafficker. It makes it okay (guilt free)for that trafficker to then use or sell them as sex slaves. And there is NO morality issue or sin committed.” What Africans did to other Africans is VERY TRUE and terrible. And has ABSOLUTELY NO baring on the actions of whites. So, what’s worse is: for so-called intellectually, morally, culturally superior human beings/whites (according to certain self-aggrandizing doctrine),to surmise that because Africans did it too makes the African slave trade Kosher!!! That is absurd on its face!!! Is terrorism okay because white Americans like Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols did it??? Hell No. It’s immoral, unjust and a crime against all.
Vet Paratrooper December 28th, 2015 at 22:14
Let me first agree with you, before I state my disagreement with you. I love what you quote Gen. Lee as having said, and I’m paraphrasing, “I don’t have love for anything (government/ideology) that can only be held together based on weapons of war.” He’s talking about the Union. But, in light of EXACTLY what he said. Why do some southerners use the threat of cross burnings, lynchings and other violence to hold onto confederate vestiges of yesteryear??? That ideology lost, negotiated surrender and then participated in the reconstruction. So, those generals ultimately relinquished and or renounced their bond to the confederate flag. Those generals (some)again served north & south, after the war. And did so, flying the American Flag and pledging allegiance to the United States of America NOT the confederacy!!!
Vet Paratrooper December 28th, 2015 at 22:54
Because it was not white slaves being sold to blacks owners. The Barbary Coast nations of West Africa were under the Ottoman Empire (Arabs, Turks and Moroccans)NOT black control then. It was those slave trafficker’s kidnapping, buying and selling whites, as they did blacks as well–before, during and after!!!
Vet paratrooper January 4th, 2016 at 15:06
You may be right about the U.S. flag possibly being more offensive. But, here’s the thing. You’re arguing which is more wrong/offensive to slaves and their descendants. One being more reprehensible doesn’t wash away how wrong/offensive the other is in the eyes of many. If someone is raped and their child murdered. Do you have the right to decide for them which crime is more egregious to them??? NO!!! Do you get to decide when they should forgive or let go of that pain??? NO!!! Battered wife syndrome is plausible as a finding, even years after the physical abuse ends; when a callous disregard or blatant campaign of mental cruelty or emotional duress remains present after the violence stops. During slavery and afterward their were lynchings, rape, sodomy, forced in-breeding, denial of education, as well as property rights, voting rights and religious freedom. Then came Jim Crow, segregation, sun-down towns, workplace discrimination and police brutality!!! So, you want to decide what should and should not offend others; and what the should happily accept. But, the colonies didn’t want England deciding that for them. That’s why America was formed. The Confederacy didn’t want The Union deciding for them. That’s why there was a Civil War. Blacks never felt it proper for others to tell them what to think and feel, or what they MUST bow to in order to be AMERICAN. That’s why there was a civil rights movement. This is American History.
Sgt Rudy Adams June 30th, 2016 at 14:34
Way to go Army. Bout time SOMEONE started standing up and fighting for what is right. Anyone against the Confederate flag is against what America stands for. GOD, COUNTRY AND FAMILY.
M. G. September 11th, 2016 at 12:40
In 1953 or ’53, Pres. Truman signed an order making all those who fought for the Confederate States US veterans.
Beas July 1st, 2017 at 03:46
It’s stated in the article these bases were named in the spirit of reconciliation, yet here we are over a hundred years later trying to use them to divide. This is nothing more than a ploy to divide This great nation even further. Thank gawd the big brass can get something rite
Clint Lamma July 1st, 2017 at 20:40
You research references to slavery in southern secession proclamations, but claim ignorance to tax issues? Let me educate you some more….In 1860 % of US treasury revenues came from tariffs on southern agriculture exports. What the previous poster said about Lincoln was correct. He was a racist and only changed the narrative of the war to slavery to garner support from northern abolitionists, because most of the north wanted the war over by the end of 1862. Lincoln went to war over federal government greed
Clint Lamma July 1st, 2017 at 20:41
*60% of federal revenue* Sorry
Old fart July 4th, 2017 at 04:35
Hey all you do some research research not google real research one name for you all Robert E Lee see where he went to Military school and his training was done at,People do some real research such as a history books.
Frank Sheeman July 4th, 2017 at 18:25
Why stop? Maybe Augusta, Georgia, named after Augustus Caesar should be renamed? Augustus certainly does not represent our “modern” ideals. But think how much controversy could be had as we filter history by addressing “offensive” names. Hmm…why isn’t anyone objecting to the cultural appropriation involved in names like Mississippi, Indiana, and Wisconsin? And then there’s Louisiana – King Louis was not a progressive.
Jimmy July 5th, 2017 at 14:02
Curious how the Civil war had anything to do with independence from Britian. I am also curious what desserts were fought over in this dessert storm…..cookies?